Friday, March 16, 2012


Light a candle and place it on a table.

The distance between Stonehenge and The Great Pyramids is 2,183 miles.
Take 2,183 and divide it by pi (3.1415) and you get 694.89098.
Take 694.89098 and divide it by pi and you get 221.19719.
Take 221.19719 and divide it by pi and you get 70.41133.
Take 70.41133 and divide it by pi and you get 22.41328

Fill a container with 22.41328 ounces of water.
Place the container on the table near the candle.
Pause and take several deep breaths relaxing your mind and body.
Make sure you are totally relaxed before doing the next step.

Take the container, containing 22.41328 ounces of water, and pour it over the candle.
Not only will the candle go out, but the table will get wet as well!    Amazing!

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