Sunday, October 2, 2011


I have never had kidney stones, but the rocks in my head often cause me pain.

Occasionally I get a pain in my neck.  Often I become a pain in the neck.  Sometimes I am a pain in a place lower than the neck.

Arthritis, Bronchitis, Bursitis, and Psoriasis are my Greek friends who never visit me.

Sometimes I hear voices in my head.
"No you don't!"
Yes I do.

I used my hands a lot while I was going through puberty, and suffered from Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.  The desire to use my hands a lot and the Carpel Tunnel Syndrome went away after puberty.

I had Lou Gehrig's Disease, but I gave it back to Lou.  He apologized for giving it to me.   "I'll try to keep it to myself,"  he said.

"While I'm in Bulgaria,"
Said Doctor Kataria.
"I'll take care of ya."
And he cured my Malaria.

I've never had Pneumonia, but I once had Oldmonia.   I took a hot bath and she went away.

Occasionally I cut my finger on my wit.  It's never a deep cut.

Overall I am thankful for my healthy mind, and body.  Occasionally I cut my finger on my wit.

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