Monday, June 19, 2017

All About Life

"Why did Life cross the road?"
"I don't know."
"To live on the other side."

"Why didn't life stop once it got to the other side?"
"Because Life goes on."

"Knock.  Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Life who?"
"Just Life.  I don't have a last name, and have nothing funny to say for this knock-knock joke."

I want to enjoy every minute of my life, but the seconds won't let me.

Life is a dream?  Do we know whether the dreamer has anything contagious?

"How many lifetimes does it take to change a light bulb?"
"How many?"
"One lifetime if you're paid a flat rate, and 347 lifetimes if you're paid by the hour."

Life walked into a bar and banged its head on the top of the door frame.  The bartender said, "Gosh, you're not short."

Where shall I find a diaper large enough to change my life?

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