Thursday, March 10, 2016


What a great deal!  Five dollars every two weeks to belong to a gym? 
What's that under the EVERY TWO WEEKS?  

+JOINING FEE  & TAXES.      Hmmm . . . 

I can understand the New Look and Fresh Content, but do newspapers today need More Entertainment?

Are there any places that sell Stale Donuts?  Why would you need a sign to say that you sell fresh donuts? 
Also, I always thought that doughnuts was how to spell doughnuts.   I see donuts and think doonuts which I suspect is a sexually transmitted disease.

This sign is on all  garbage cans on The Toronto Transit Commission's (TTC) property.  That means all the garbage cans in all bus and subway stations have this sign.  Ride the Rocket is symbolically saying, "Take the TTC."  Why do you need a sign on a garbage can, on TTC property, telling people to take the TTC?  If people see the garbage can, then they are already riding the rocket. 
Also, do we need a sign on a garbage can telling us that Toronto is clean and beautiful?  Does Toronto need its good qualities advertised on garbage cans?

Some of the pencil containers at the North York Central Library have a sign that says, Please Do Not Remove Pencils.
Aren't the pencils for public use?   Are the pencil containers with this sign really art exhibits with the pencils playing a key role?

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