Sunday, June 21, 2015


A refresher for those who were not paying attention in Geography class:  A molecule is a group of two or more atoms making up the smallest unit of a substance retaining the chemical and physical properties of cheese--or something like that. 

There must be times when molecules feel down and are incapable of chemical reactions.  It is at these times that we must provide support to molecules to give them the fundamental skills to succeed.  (I have no idea how to do this.)

Molecules stay away from basketball because they fear that they are too short.  If we teach molecules basketball skills, then they will lose their fear and see that size does not matter.

When was the last time a molecule won a golf tournament?  When was the last time a molecule played hockey, baseball or dizzy goop?  (I have no idea what dizzy goop is because I just made it up, but that should not stop molecules from playing it.)  Again we must teach molecules sports skills to give them the confidence to play.

Why stop at sports?  Why not encourage molecules to become CEO's of companies, and run for office.  Perhaps the world would be a better place if it was run by molecules.

(Hope you're not cheesed off  I could not write a stronger ending.) 

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