Saturday, July 7, 2012


In a recent column, Toronto Sun  writer Lorrie Goldstein states a worn-out premise.  He writes that the biggest cause of gang crime and violence, in Toronto's black community, is "the breakdown of the black nuclear family and the reality of absentee black fathers."   Really?  A breakdown of the nuclear family and absent fathers is the biggest cause of crime?

How does Lorrie Goldstein, and other followers of this premise, explain the Mafia?  The Mafia is made up of nuclear families with strong family values.  These families attend church.  The children grow up not only knowing who their fathers are, but also knowing who their godfathers are.  Why is the Mafia involved in crime and violence?  Is it because of their strong family values and churchgoing?  Is it a lack of drop-in centres and community programs for mobsters?  Is it because the Mafia has been led astray by bad black street gangs? 

The cause of crime?  Whatever happened to people being responsible for the choices they make?

1 comment:

Mountain Grind Muse said...

you look good on soap box.