Thursday, December 1, 2011


My good friend David Fontana, in his book Creative Meditation and Visualization, wrote about the importance of going inside to communicate with our inner being.  Communication with our inner being is important for self discovery and well being.
As children, we unknowingly communicated with our inner being by drawing and coloring pictures.  We did this joyfully until we developed an inner critic as we were taught not to trust ourselves; to look outside for the answers instead of inside.

The process of communicating with our inner being is important.  The art or writing that results from this process is not important.  It is a by-product just as caca is a by-product from the process of  nourishing our bodies. Unless you are making political speeches, caca is not important.  The process of eating for nourishment is.

By focusing on the process and not the by-product, there is no reason to be blocked or to wait for elusive and capricious inspiration.   Two of the ways you can focus on the process of communicating with your inner being are free writing, and free drawing.   The result is not important.  It is caca.

No longer is it necessary to get upset if someone looks at your art or writing and says, "That's a piece of shit!"  He or she is right.  It is the by-product from the nourishment process of communicating with your inner being. 

Your inner being,  the deep mystery inside you,  is not elusive or capricious.  It is always there just waiting for you to start a conversation.    

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