Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Not All About The Sky

"Why is the sky blue?"
"All the other colors were taken."

"Why did the sky cross the road?"
"I dunno."
"To be where it was already on the other side."

"How many skies does it take to change a light bulb?"
"How many?"
"Just one.  There is only one sky."

"Knock.  Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Blue who?"
"Blueski, James Blueski."
"James Blueski?"
"That's right.  James Blueski, Agent 700 from Polish Intelligence."
"Okaaay!  That's as far as this joke goes."

The sky walked into a bar and the bartender said, "Oh my God!  What happened to the roof?"

"Are the sky's eyes blue, too?"
"The garbage can."
"You should know better than to ask a surrealist."

"How does the sky mail a letter?"
"Like everyone else, it uses a mailbox."

"Why is the sky up there?"
"It can't stand crowds, but doesn't mind clouds."

"Does the sky ever need to go to the bathroom?"
"I don't know, but I don' want to be around if it does."

"What is the one thing that the sky cannot know?"
"The sky cannot know whether it is in shape."

"Listen," said James Blueski, "you kinda left me hanging at the knock-knock joke.  What did I do?  Was it something I said?"
"Yes, melting clocks."
"What?  Are you a surrealist?"
"The Beginning."

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