Wednesday, September 28, 2016



 Dear Gary,

     I am you writing this letter to you because I am not the you who is reading this now.

     I'm happy being with you for the most part.  I will stay with you until death do us fart--or something like that.

     I'm not sure where I will go after you die. Perhaps I will haunt a hospital, and have medical tests to make sure that you did not give me any diseases.  I want to have memories of you and not microbes.

     I enjoy being you, but sometimes I wish you were someone else.  If you were someone else, then I would be someone else.  As someone else, I would sometimes wish I was you.

     That's all for now.  I'm fed up talking to you, and have better things to do.


P.S.  There is no P.S. 

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