Sunday, September 28, 2014


A bartender walks out of his bar and sees a chicken crossing the road.  The bartender thinks, "How thrilling to be witnessing a different joke!"  He shouts to the chicken, "Hey, why are you crossing the road?"

The chicken replies, "To change a light bulb in the hen house."

The bartender asks, "Can you change it by yourself, or will you need help?  In other words, how many chickens does it take to change a light bulb?"

The chicken says, "Sorry, but that's the subject for another joke."

A bartender walks out of his bar and sees a chicken crossing the road.  The bartender shouts, "Hey!  Aren't you the same chicken I saw at the beginning of this blog?"

"Yes," says the chicken.

"Is this a different joke?" asks the bartender.

"Yes," says the chicken.

"Great!" says the bartender.  "How many chickens does it take to change a light bulb?"

The chicken starts singing,
One to change the bulb
And one to cockle doodle do!
One to change the bulb
And one to cockle doodle do!
One to change the bulb
And one to cockle doodle do!
One to change . . ."

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