Friday, July 11, 2014


Miley and Charlie are German Shepherds.  I was with them while their master was away.  They live in the country, and loved taking me on walks without my leash.

They stopped, during one of the first walks they took me on, and sat down.  They were watching me.  I thought that they might want to have some fun, so I picked up a stick and threw itTheir heads moved in unison as they watched me pick up the stick.  They watched me throw the stick.  They watched the stick fly through the air.  They watched the stick land.  And then they turned their heads back and looked at me.

I thought that maybe they were confused; so I picked up another stick and threw it.  Once again their heads moved in unison as they watched me pick up the stick.  They watched the stick fly through the air, and then they turned their heads back to me after watching the second stick land. 

Can you imagine the conversation they had?

"I don't know, Charlie.  Is he dangerous?  Should we put him on a leash?  Why did he throw those sticks?"

"Who knows, Miley?  I don't think we need to put him on a leash, but let's walk him where there are no sticks.   He doesn't seem dangerous, but he's definitely weird."

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