Tuesday, May 13, 2014


A pile of newspapers -- free or for sale. 
How come most people don't take the one on top?  They reach for the second or third or forth or tenth, but refuse to take the nothing-wrong-with-it newspaper on the top.

Even when someone takes the newspaper on the top making the second newspaper the top newspaper, and people see this, they still won't take the former-second-from-the-top newspaper.  They feel that there is something wrong with this newspaper now that it is on top.  Perhaps there is.  Who knows?

Germs.  We need germs to help strengthen our immune system.  Yet most people are terrified of germs. 

I don't have a fear of germs.  Whatever does not kill me makes me a whiny sick guy with a stronger immune system.

I see the germaphobes at the public computers.  They take  a sanitized towelette and meticulously wipe down the computer's keyboard, and the desk area surrounding the computer keyboard over and over again.  They use a tissue to cover the mouse so there is no direct contact between their hands and the mouse. 

And then these germaphobes sit down to use the computer -- all the while coughing and sneezing and sniffling.  I have yet to see a germaphobe who hasn't coughed or sneezed or sniffled after sanitizing a computer.  And I aways think, "Perhaps if you allowed yourself some germs, then your stronger immune system may cut down on your coughs and sneezes and sniffles."

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