Monday, May 26, 2014


I am at a public computer.  A geeky-looking guy sits down at the computer beside me.  He is in his late thirties or early forties.  He is bald, but combs his hair over.  He has a big nose.  His glasses are as thick as my skull.  He starts vigorously rubbing and pulling his crotch with one hand, while he signs on the computer with the other. 

I don't stare, but cannot help but see out of the corner of my eye.  I see nothing but is hand passionately pulling and rubbing his crotch.  That is all I see.  No lumps.  No bumps.  Obviously his nose is the biggest part of his body.

I would have bet my last banana that he was going to sign onto a porn site, or some site related to a porn site.  Nope.  Boats.  He brings up pictures of boats -- all the while powerfully pulling and rubbing his crotch. 

Okay, I think, the boat site is a backup site.  He is going to go onto a porn site and switch to the boat site if anyone looks at his screen.  Nope.  Boats.  Boats, boats, and more boats.  He enlarges some pictures and stares at them for a bit.  Other pictures he glances at quickly as he scrolls through them.  


The pulling and rubbing starts to build faster and faster.  He's scrolling through the boat pictures faster and faster.  He's panting ever so quietly, but faster and faster and faster and faster.   And then

And then he suddenly stops pulling and rubbing, and stands straight up from the chair.  He uses both hands to sign off the computer, and walks away.   

Did I just see a boatophile in action?

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