Monday, December 4, 2017

Not All About Writer's Block

"Why did the writer's block cross the road?"
"It had a date on the other side with a blank page."

"How many writer's blocks does it take to change a light bulb?"
"How many?"
"None.  Writer's blocks love to sit in the dark hoping for inspiration."

A writer's block walked into a bar and the bartender said, "What will it be?"
And the writer's block said, "Nothing, please."
The bartender left, but then returned with nothing.  The writer's block drank it, paid and left.  And as the bartender watched the writer's block walk out the door he said, "Gawd, I feel so inspired!"

"Knock.  Knock."
"Who's there?"
"Writer's who?"
"Writer's block."
"Sorry, but F. Scott Fitzgerald doesn't live here anymore."

"What does writer's block do when it has writer's block?"
"It enjoys the company."

"What did you do on your date with a blank page?" said one writer's block to another.
And the other writer's block replied, "Nothing."

A blank page on the phone talking to its friend, "I'll never date another writer's block again!  They're so egotistical and self-centered.  All they want to talk about is their fear of not being perfect and how they're gonna block a great writer someday . . . "

Did God create human beings before, during or after a bout with writer's block?

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