Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Not All About Mops

"Why did the mop cross the road?"

"I dunno."

"To go to Sanitation University on the other side where it will study for a Bachelor's degree in Dirt and then go on to get a Master's degree in Soapy Water and finally a Ph.D. in Clean Floors and then start a cleaning consulting company and bribe politicians to get government contracts and eventually get arrested and charged and go to jail where the mop will mope happily ever after."

"All that is the reason the mop crossed the road?"


"And all this time I thought that brevity was the soul of wit."

"How many mops does it take to change a light bulb?"

"How many?"

"None.  Mops only clean floors.  Union rules."

A mop walked into a bar and the bartender said, "What will it be?"

And the mop said, "I'll have a water with a shot of soap please."

The bartender brought the mop a glass of water with a shot of soap.  The mop looked at it and said, "Is it possible to have this in a bucket?"

"Knock.  Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Mop who?"
"What about your poo?"
"That's a crappy way to end a knock-knock joke."
"Yes, and also a stinky way to end a blog."

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