Wednesday, May 21, 2014


"Who won?  What was the score?"  These are the only two questions that matter in sports.  That's it.  Yet newspapers have whole sections devoted to sports.  (Oh, the poor trees!) Radio and television stations cause the rivers of saliva to overflow with their shows on sports.  

Often the airtime is taken up with interviews of the players of the winning and losing teams.  The sports reporters always ask the most intelligent questions.  "How did it feel scoring the winning goal in sudden-death overtime?"

Does the player say, "Fantastic!  Better than sex!  Better than winning the lottery!"  No, the player says in a humble manner, "Well you know I could not have done it without the support of my teammates.  It was a team effort.  We all played well.  And  (losing team)  played well, too, and made it hard for us to win.  It was a tough game, but we managed to score more goals."

Then there is the losing team.  What can members of the losing team say?  "We lost."   Do they say this?  Yes, but using more words.  In answering another intelligent question from a sports reporter, a losing team member says, "Well, it was a tough game.  (Winning team)  played well.  They have a good offense and a strong defense.  They scored more goals than us.  Obviously we have to work at scoring more goals."

All this unnecessary talk when it can all be said by,
"Who won?  What was the score?"

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